Thursday, July 13, 2006


JP, lately, when he doesn't get his way, when we deny him the rented moonbounce from his birthday party for the rest of the week, or to take him out and buy him a toy for no reason at all, has begun responding with, "Oh, snap!" I'm not even sure what that means. I think I know where he got it, though. These are prime time kids and they love sit-coms, specifically My Name Is Earl. I'm not here to debate whether this is good or bad because I pretty much decided this was bad the Thursday night they cast the show in our living room. Much the same way I used to pretend to be Steve Austin (up until just a couple of years ago), C claimed to be Earl, JP was the brother, S was Joy and GK was Crabman. I believe the catchprase in question was ascertained from Must See TV. It was one of those nights that makes you proud as a parent. One of those nights that makes you want to rip the cord out of the back of the television set. Oh, snap!