Monday, September 25, 2006

Last Saturday Night

When I got home from work last Saturday night Kristy announced that her mom was on the way over to pick up the kids (S, C & JP) to take them back to her place to play for the evening. What? Did I hear that right? A free evening with just the two of us (GK doesn't completely count yet because she can't demand chocolate milk or work the remote)? But we didn't have time to plan. There were no plans and our spontaneity muscles have atrophied over the years. We could go to dinner, but it wasn't in the budget. Movie? We tried that once with one of the other babies and found we couldn't penetrate the first line of cinema defense - the pimply-faced ticket seller who refused us admittance. Go have a drink somewhere? Kristy insisted on joining me, so, no. We ended up cooking frozen pizza and sitting around watching TV. Boring, you say? Not if you have kids. If you have a circus of your own at home then you know just where we're coming from - there were no kids arguing, no parade of toys into the living room, no call for food which would remain uneaten. There was just Kristy and me and GK, who was nice enough to go to sleep early. It was just like old times and it was a nice surprise.

And then Grandma brought them back...

[Happy Birthday, Uncle Toby!]